A little about me

I enjoy owning zombies in Halo infection, as well as showing enemies their makers in Call of Duty. I encourage fair gameplay when I play. But let me warn you, if you come across me and you are on the other team, always watch your six.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The end of the year

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends

like my father's come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when September ends
-Green Day

The year seemed to drag on, but we somehow survived. We aren't anticipating the end of summer, but we know it will arrive, and we must get ready. Enjoy the little things. You don't realize how fast they pass you by.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I thought that I did very well. I had alot of fun making it because it was on something I knew how to do. I only had trouble with saying the right words(lol).


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Words from Arlington

I would like to take a moment to say,
what some people call me today,
some call me a victor, savior, and hero
while others call me a conqueror, a captor, and a zero
I was with the Americans through the dark and the bright,
even when we could see no saving light,
We are heroes only in the eyes of those who respect us,
all we ask is for everyone to give us trust,
I am a soldier who has been hated and respected due to the government of the time,
while others use us to make a dime,
I pray you can respect me and brothers and sisters who have fought and died since the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror,
Some choose to ignore the situations happening to our nation, while others choose to join me and my fellow comrades to prevent further attacks on our nation
Who will stand up and join the thousands like now serving and millions of dead heroes in that cemetery in Washington who have and are protecting this nation and the freedoms you take for granted? Will you? Or do you expect someone else to?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Identity Theft Enhancement Act

It states exactly what will happen if someone is convicted of stealing another person's identity.It states that besides the penalty for what you have done, you will also have to face 2 years in prison. If you use another person's name for a terrorist act, you will serve 5 years in prison in addition to your punishment.

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Hero is.......

My hero is a man who needs no introduction. My hero is a man called Chesty Puller. He was the most decorated marine of all time. He served through 5 wars, earning 3 Navy Crosses. He is still a symbol for the marine corps because the Marine Corps bulldog is named Chesty, and every night before marines sleep in combat or in training, they say " Good night Chesty, wherever you are."